Yay, you're all booked in
I can’t wait to get started on your project.
Outspoken design and digital marketing strategy will help convert more online visitors into subscribers and customers, bring in more enquirers, make you look more professional and ‘seasoned’ in your industry and take you from where you are to where you dream of being!
Ok, let’s get started. First things first..
1. Project management
Now you’re booked in my schedule, we’ll start using my project management tool, Asana.
A project management tool is a secure space online where we have have conversations, share files, set reminders, and create to-do lists.
Whereas files often get lost when I’m managing projects through email, nothing gets lost or forgotten in Asana. It’s the simplest way to keep your project organized and make sure it goes as smoothly as possible!
Don’t worry – you won’t need to pay for this tool and it’s not hard to use. Click the button to watch a short tutorial on how to use it!
2. Here’s what I need to get the project started
1. On the design part you can create and fill a public board on Pinterest with inspiration for your project
Send me the link to your board when you’re done so I can see it! (You can delete the board once your project is complete).
If Pinterest isn’t your thing, don’t worry. You can search Google, Behance or Dribble for images that resonate with the way you want your project to feel and simply upload them to the ‘Pinterest’ task inside our Asana project.
2. Complete your questionnaire
Here’s the link to your questionnaire. [INSERT LINK] It will help me understand your goals and needs for this project!
3. Communication & boundaries
My work hours: MONDAY - FRIDAY, 9am - 5pm
Communication hours: MONDAY - FRIDAY, 10am - 3 pm
Meeting Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday * Direct meet or zoom
To help keep your project on track to finish on time, please provide all feedback within 2 business days of hearing from me.
I really appreciate your effort to provide files and feedback on time and to communicate within the times and days outlined above. Timeliness from both of us will help us get your project done on (or even before!) the deadline so you can move on to the next exciting task on your to-do list and I can cheer you on.
4. Feedback Guidelines
At different stages throughout the project, you will be asked to provide feedback on directions, technical aspect of your bizz, design concepts, colours, fonts, etc. Providing feedback can be hard, but it’s important to make it constructive to ensure the project can move forward smoothly.
I really appreciate simple and straightforward feedback. It helps me clearly understand your thoughts and make the right changes to your designs.
This project is of course very close to your heart but it’s important to always keep your target audience top of mind and not get caught up in personal preferences. Therefore, instead of sharing what you like/dislike personally, try to view it from your Ideal Client’s eyes and think about how would they react to the design. Remember, at the end of the day, this project is all about them!
Vague or contradicting feedback can create confusion and set us back, therefore try to be as specific as possible when providing feedback. Focus on one element at a time and try to explain why you like/dislike something and provide a suggestion on how I could improve it. For example, instead of saying “I don’t like this colour”, try “I don’t think this colour will appeal to our audience because […]. Perhaps we could try a warmer colour?”
My process is very intentional and I always ensure that each element is built with purpose. So while I will do my best to walk you through my thought-process, don’t hesitate to ask questions if you’re unsure about something. This also helps show that you value my opinion and trust my expertise – at the end of the day, there’s a reason why you chose me as your Partner for this project, right?
Here are a few tips on providing awesome feedback:
Try and use bullet points to break up your feedback.
Use headers to organize your feedback.
Read over your feedback to make sure it’s clear and check that you’ve answered any questions I may have asked.
Post your feedback as a comment on the relevant Asana discussion instead of emailing me directly. Back and forth emails can get tiring but communicating in Asana is a breeze!
If you have team members that would like to add their feedback, I kindly ask that you gather the feedback into one message. This stops everyone from getting confused and keeps the project organized.
To help keep your project on track to finishing on time, please provide feedback on your designs within two business days of receiving them.
I really appreciate your effort to provide files and feedback on time. Timeliness from both of us will help us get your project complete so you can move on to the next exciting task on your to-do list and I can cheer you on.
5.Tools we will use
Asana is the tool we’ll use for your project. This is where we will keep track of all conversations , tasks and deadline. You’ll be able to get a clear overview of your project at any time within the app.
We’ll use Zoom for all our consultation calls. Zoom is great because it allows us to see each other (almost like a real coffee date!) and I can share my screen to take you through presentations for easy live feedback
I use DropBox or G DRIVE to store all my project files. At the end of the project, I’ll send you a link to download your files and store them in a safe place as the link is only available for 30 days after project end
6.What happens next?
After you’ve completed every Homework of this page, we’re all set to begin your project.
We can set up an optional 30 minute call where you can ask any last-minute questions you may have before your project starts.
I look forward to working with you!